AUA Summit - Take Advantage of these Crucial Interstitial Cystitis Resources


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Take Advantage of these Crucial Interstitial Cystitis Resources

Take Advantage of these Crucial Interstitial Cystitis Resources

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 27 Sep 2017

Take Advantage of these Crucial Interstitial Cystitis Resources

September is Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Awareness Month. IC, also called bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a chronic bladder health issue. It's a feeling of pain and pressure in the bladder area. Along with this pain are lower urinary tract symptoms which have lasted for more than 6 weeks, without having an infection or other clear causes.

If you or someone you know has IC, they may want to read the following resources as part of the Foundation's collection of IC patient education materials.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Control Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms

IC symptoms range from mild to severe. The symptoms may come and go, or for some they might not ever go away. The best IC treatment option should depend on what you decide with your doctor. Changes you make to your lifestyle may help control symptoms. This is often the first treatment used to manage IC. Read the entire CareBlog post.

7 Ways to Help Control Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms

Try to relieve as much stress as you can if Interstitial Cystitis(IC) pain is getting you down. Stress does not cause IC, but if you have IC, stress can cause a flare. Physical stress and mental stress can lead to flares. Remember, every flare will settle down and worrying about it only prolongs the discomfort. Read the entire CareBlog post.

Effect of Diet on Interstitial Cystitis

IC can cause an urgent need to urinate, a frequent need to urinate, or both. Although IC cannot be cured, it can be treated. Researchers have found there are dietary changes you can make to help manage and avoid IC. Read the entire UrologyHealth extra article.

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