دليل مريض سرطان المثانة
توجد طرق لعلاج سرطان المثانة. سيخبرك هذا الدليل عن سرطان المثانة ومايمكنك فعله حياله. تعرف على أعراض سرطان المثانة وتصرف بسرعة، إذاشاهدت أي منها. (Bladder Cancer Patient Guide)… more
دليل المرضى للقذف المبكر
شرحٌ مفصل للقذف وكذلك أسباب سرعة القذف وتشخيصها وعلاجها والوقاية منها.… more
دليل المرضى للعلاج بالتستوستيرون
قم بتنزيل دليل المرضى هذا للحصول على معلومات عما يحتاج المرضى إلى معرفته حول علاج التستوستيرون. (Testosterone Therapy Patient Guide)… more
دليل مرضى سلس البول الإجهادي
كيفية تشخيص سلس البول الإجهادي وعلاجه وإدارته، بما في ذلك وجهة نظر المرضى. (Stress Urinary Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
دليل مرضى سلس البول
يتم استكشاف طرق إدارة هذه الحالة لكلٍ من الرجال والنساء. (Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
دليل المرضى لعلاج خلل الانتصاب
كتيب يعطي المرضى لمحة عامة عن أعراض خلل الانتصاب وأسبابه وتشخيصه وعلاجه. ويتضمن الكتيب قسمًا لتدوين الملاحظات… more
دليل مرضى فرط نشاط المثانة
يتضمن هذا الدليل متعدد الصفحات موارد حول فرط نشاط المثانة لمساعدة المرضى طوال رحلة حالة فرط نشاط المثانة التي يعانون منها. (Overactive Bladder Patient Guide)… more
Bladder Cancer Patient Guide
Guide with information about how to diagnose, treat and manage bladder cancer, including a patient perspective.… more
Living Healthy Cookbook with Information about Urologic Cancers
Part of managing cancer includes a healthy diet and lifestyle. This educational cookbook has recipes from celebrity chefs and is designed to help those affected by urologic cancers.… more
Living Healthy Cookbook with Information about Urologic Cancers
Part of managing cancer includes a healthy diet and lifestyle. This educational cookbook has recipes from celebrity chefs and is designed to help those affected by urologic cancers.… more
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Download this patient resource on Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).… more
Testicular Cancer Patient Guide
Detailed guide to include a patient story, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for men as well as a section on children with testicular cancer.… more
मूूत्राशय का कैंंसर - मरीज़ केे लिए मार्गगदर्शिका
रोगी के दृष्टिकोण सहित मूत्राशय के कैंसर का निदान, उपचार और प्रबंधन कैसे करें, इसके बारे में जानकारी के साथ गाइड करें। (Bladder Cancer Patient Guide)… more
शीघ्रपतन के मरीजों के लिए गाइड
शीघ्रपतन के कारण, पता लगाने, उपचार और बचाव के साथ ही स्खलन की विस्तृत व्याख्या। (Premature Ejaculation Patient Guide)… more
स्तंभन दोष-समझदारी से करें चयनः स्तंभन की समस्या का उपचार
इस स्थिति के लिए मेडिकल और सर्जिकल विकल्पों सहित ईडी का एक संक्षिप्त विवरण। (Choosing Wisely: Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction)… more
अनियमितता के मरीजों के लिए गाइड
पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों में इन स्थितियों के प्रबंधन के तरीके। (Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
टेस्टोस्टेरोन उपचार मरीज गाइड
टेस्टोस्टेरोन उपचार के बारे में मरीजों के लिए जरूरी जानकारी देने वाली इस पेशेंट गाइड को डाउनलोड करें। (Testosterone Therapy Patient Guide)… more
तनाव संबंधी मूत्र अनियमितता से पीड़ित मरीजों के लिए गाइड
मरीज के संदर्भ में योजनाओं सहित एसयूआई का पता लगाने, उपचार और प्रबंधन। (Stress Urinary Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
स्तंभन दोष मरीज गाइड
ऐसी विवरणिका जो मरीजों को स्तंभन दोष के लक्षणों, वजह, पता लगाने और उपचार का संक्षिप्त विवरण देती है। इसमें नोट्स से जुड़ा एक भाग भी शामिल है। (Erectile Dysfunction Patient Guide)… more
अतिसक्रिय ब्लैडर के मरीज के लिए गाइड
इस कई पेज की गाइड में ओएबी से पीड़ित मरीजों को मदद करने के लिए ओएबी संसाधन शामिल हैं। (Overactive Bladder Patient Guide)… more
Carcinoma della vescica - Guida per il paziente
Ci sono molti metodi per trattare la malattia. Questa guida parla del carcinoma della vescica e di cosa può essere fatto al riguardo. Imparare a riconoscere i sintomi del cancro della vescica e, in loro presenza, intervenire subito. (Bladder Cancer Patient Guide)… more
Terapia con testosterone: una guida per il paziente
Una guida dettagliata su testosterone, sintomi da scarso testosterone, cause, diagnosi e opzioni di trattamento. (Testosterone Therapy Patient Guide)… more
Cancro del testicolo - Guida per il paziente
Una guida dettagliata che include storia del paziente, sintomi, diagnosi e trattamento negli uomini, oltre a una sezione dedicata ai bambini colpiti da cancro del testicolo. (Testicular Cancer Patient Guide)… more
Eiaculazione precoce
Una spiegazione dettagliata dell’eiaculazione, oltre che delle cause, della diagnosi, del trattamento e della prevenzione dell’eiaculazione precoce.… more
Incontinenza urinaria da stress (SUI) - Guida per il paziente
Come diagnosticare, trattare e gestire la SUI, con inclusa la prospettiva del paziente. (Stress Urinary Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
Incontinenza - Guida per i pazienti
Milioni di persone negli Stati Uniti vivono con incontinenza e sintomi di controllo della vescica. Questa condizione può impedire a uomini, donne e bambini di vivere la vita che desiderano. La paura di essere lontani da un bagno può limitare le scelte nella vita quotidiana. (Incontinence Patient Guide)… more
Vescica iperattiva (OAB) - Guida per il paziente
Questa guida ti offre le informazioni necessarie su come gestire la OAB. Se pensi di aver bisogno di aiuto, chiedilo, anche se potrebbe sembrare imbarazzante. Non aspettare, perché ci sono molti trattamenti che funzionano bene contro la OAB. (Overactive Bladder Patient Guide)… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Bladder Cancer Special Issue
Order this special issue focusing on bladder cancer to be shipped free in the United States and includes information for patients and caregivers on the basics such as the stages of this cancer, symptoms, treatments, risk factors and how to learn more.… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Bladder Cancer Special Issue
Download this special issue focusing on bladder cancer that includes information for patients and caregivers on the basics such as the stages of this cancer, symptoms, treatments, risk factors and how to learn more.… more
Overactive Bladder - What You Should Know
Download this fact sheet that informs patients about overactive bladder, symptoms to look out for, diagnosis and treatment options to talk about with your health care team.… more
Women’s Health and Menopause – What You Should Know Fact Sheet
Learn about women’s health during perimenopause and menopause, symptoms and treatment options. … more
Women’s Health and Menopause – What You Should Know Fact Sheet
Order this fact sheet that includes information on perimenopause, menopause, symptoms and treatment options for women.… more
Constipation and Urine Control - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
This fact sheet outlines what to know about constipation and urine control. Constipation happens when you go too long without having a bowel movement & this can cause issues with urine control. … more
Constipation and Urine Control: What You Should Know
Order this fact sheet that outlines what to know about constipation and urine control. Constipation happens when you go too long without having a bowel movement & this can cause issues with urine control. … more
Adult Gender: What You Should Know
Learn about adult gender, gender affirmation and terms around gender.… more
Fertility Preservation and Gender Diverse Parenthood: What You Should Know
Learn about fertility preservation for gender diverse adults and frequently asked questions.… more
Adult Sexuality and Gender Diversity: What You Should Know
Learn about adult sexuality and gender diversity, sexual orientation, gender dysphoria and medical choices for gender diverse adults.… more
Adult Masculinizing Gender-Affirming Surgery: What You Should Know
Learn about gender affirmation, adult masculinizing gender-affirming surgery and questions to ask your doctor.… more
Adult Feminizing Gender-Affirming Surgery: What You Should Know
Learn about gender affirmation, adult feminizing gender-affirming surgery and questions to ask your doctor.… more
Pelvic Floor Muscle Relaxing: What You Should Know
Strong pelvic floor muscles can help prevent leakage and calm the urge to pass urine. Sometimes these muscles can be too tight, which can cause urine leaks, trouble emptying your bladder and pain during sex.… more
Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer – Talking to Your Doctor
Learn more about genetic testing for bladder cancer and how to prepare as a way to feel more ready to talk with your doctor.… more
Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer - What You Should Know
A description about genetic testing for bladder cancer and how genetic test results may help patients make informed choices.… more
Vasectomy Reversal
Download this fact sheet with information about vasectomy reversal. Vasectomy reversal is a procedure for men who have had a vasectomy and then decide they want to father a child.… more
Bladder Diary Assessment Tool
Use this bladder diary assessment tool and share the results with your healthcare provider to get a better understanding of your urinary incontinence symptoms. … more
Bladder Diary Assessment Tool
Use this bladder diary assessment tool and share the results with your healthcare provider to get a better understanding of your urinary incontinence symptoms. … more
Bladder Prolapse - What You Should Know
An overview of bladder prolapse causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.… more
Varicoceles - What You Should Know
Designed for teen boys and men to explain this condition, causes, treatments and address frequently asked questions.… more
Bladder Control Assessment Tool
This Bladder Control assessment tool may help to measure symptoms and quality of life related to passing urine.… more
Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength: What You Should Know
Download this fact sheet on how to perform Kegel exercises.… more
Bladder Control Assessment Tool
This Bladder Control assessment tool may help to measure symptoms and quality of life related to passing urine. … more
Neurogenic Bladder - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
A fact sheet that helps patients to understand when nerve damage causes bladder problems and how to manage the condition.… more
Bladder Basics
The basics about bladder function and bladder cancer with notes section to help patients and health care teams. … more
Reproductive Basics
The basics about reproductive function in men as well as penile and testicular cancer with notes section to help patients and health care teams. … more
السجل اليومي للمثانة
أداة تقييم تسمح للمرضى بتسجيل كمية السوائل التي يشربونها، وكم مرة يقومون بالتبول ومتى يحدث لهم تسرب بالبول. تم تنسيق هذه الأداة أيضًا ليكون من السهل تنزيلها وطباعتها. (Overactive Bladder Diary)… more
أداة تقييم فرط نشاط المثانة
أداة تقييم تسمح للمريض بتسجيل الأعراض وتوضح كيف يمكن أن تؤثر على جودة حياتهم. (Overactive Bladder Assessment Tool)… more
خلل الانتصاب - الاختيار بحكمة: علاج مشاكل الانتصاب
وصف موجز لخلل الانتصاب، بما في ذلك الخيارات الطبية والجراحية لهذه الحالة.… more
الحياة بعد سرطان البروستاتا - مشاكل السيطرة على سلس البول
وصفٌ لأنواع حالات سلس البول وكيف يمكن علاجها لمرضى سرطان البروستاتا. (Life After Prostate Cancer - Urinary Incontinence Fact Sheet)… more
صحيفة معلومات حول سلس البول- علاج سلس البول الإجهادي لدى الرجال
صحيفة معلومات تساعد الرجال على فهم سلس البول الإجهادي والعلاجات المتاحة. (Stress Urinary Incontinence - Treatment for Men Fact Sheet)… more
صحيفة حقائق حول سلس البول- علاج سلس البول الإجهادي لدى النساء
تساعد النساء على فهم الأساطير الشائعة حول سلس البول الإجهادي والعلاجات المتاحة. (Stress Urinary Incontinence - Treatment for Women Fact Sheet)… more
التحكم بالمثانة - كيفية تقوية عضلات قاع الحوض
يتعلم المرضى كيفية استخدام تمارين كيجل لتقوية عضلات قاع الحوض.… more
ब्लैडर डायरी
मूल्यांकन का एक साधन जिससे मरीज लिए जाने वाले तरल पदार्थ की मात्रा, कितनी बार वे मूत्र के लिए जाते हैं और जब उन्हें मूत्र निकलने का अनुभव होता है, आदि का ब्योरा दर्ज कर सकते हैं। इस विवरण को आप आसानी से डाउनलोड और उसका प्रिंट निकाल सकते हैं। (Overactive Bladder Diary)… more
ओएबी मूल्यांकन टूल
मूल्यांकन का एक साधन, जिससे मरीजों को लक्षणों का आकलन और गुणवत्तापूर्ण जीवन पर पड़ने वाले उसके प्रभाव का आकलन करने में मदद मिलती है। (Overactive Bladder Assessment Tool)… more
ब्लैडर नियंत्रण - अपनी पेल्विक फ्लोर मांसपेशियों को कैसे मजबूत बनाएं
मरीजों को बताया गया है कि अपनी पेल्विक फ्लोर मांसपेशियों को मजबूत बनाने के लिए केगेल व्यायाम कैसे करें (Bladder Control - How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Fact Sheet)… more
मूत्र में अनियमितता- पुरुषों एफएस में तनाव संबंधी अनियमितता का उपचार
पुरुषों को एसयू के बारे में समझने और उपलब्ध उपचारों के बारे में बताने वाली फैक्टशीट। (Stress Urinary Incontinence - Treatment for Men Fact Sheet)… more
मूत्र संबंधी अनियमितता- महिलाओं एफएस में तनाव संबंधी अनियमितता का उपचार
तनाव संबंधी मूत्र अनियमितता और उपलब्ध उपचारों को लेकर सामान्य मिथकों के बारे में महिलाओं को समझाने में मदद मिलती है। (Stress Urinary Incontinence - Treatment for Women Fact Sheet)… more
प्रोस्टेट कैंसर के बाद जीवन - मूत्र अनियमितता पर नियंत्रण संबंधी समस्याएं
मूत्र में अनियमितता के प्रकारों का विवरण और वे कैसे प्रोस्टेट कैंसर के मरीजों का उपचार कर सकते हैं। (Life After Prostate Cancer - Managing Urinary Incontinence Fact Sheet)… more
Tumore testicolare
Una breve analisi per aiutare gli uomini in giovane età a comprendere il cancro del testicolo e l’importanza dell’autopalpazione. (Testicular Cancer - What You Should Know Fact Sheet)… more
Malattia di Peyronie o Pene ricurvo
Nozioni fondamentali sulla malattia, incluse informazioni sugli stadi, sulle opzioni di trattamento e sul sostegno emotivo.… more
Autopalpazione del testicolo
Una scheda informativa in quattro parti rivolta a uomini adulti e adolescenti per insegnare come si esegue l’autopalpazione del testicolo.… more
Muscoli del pavimento pelvico - Cosa dovresti sapere
I pazienti imparano a sfruttare gli esercizi di Kegel per rafforzare i muscoli del pavimento pelvico… more
Disfunzione erettile - Cosa dovresti sapere
Un opuscolo che fornisce ai pazienti una panoramica sui sintomi, le cause, la diagnosi e il trattamento della disfunzione erettile. Include una sezione in cui effettuare annotazioni… more
Bladder Cancer: Get the Facts
Did you know bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer in the world? This patient education video from the Urology Care Foundation will tell you all of the facts you need about bladder cancer. … more
Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer
You may have heard that genetics can play a role in a person developing cancer. As a result, genetic testing has emerged as a new way to identify a person’s risk for bladder cancer.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Bladder Preservation
If you are a patient with muscle invasive bladder cancer, it is important to know your treatment choices. As part of your treatment, you may need to have some of your bladder removed. If this is the case, you should know your options for bladder preservation therapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Intravesical Therapy
If you are a patient with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, it is important to know your choices for treatment. Based on your diagnosis, your urologist may suggest intravesical therapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Bladder Removal Surgery
Being told you have muscle-invasive bladder cancer can be very scary. However, your doctor and medical team are there to help. Your treatment choices will depend on how much your cancer has grown, and can involve bladder removal with chemotherapy or without chemotherapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Urinary Diversion
If you are a patient with bladder cancer, it is important to know your choices for treatment.… more