Our two guests on this podcast episode talk about Bladder Exstrophy. Pamela Artigas shares her story as a mother of a child with bladder exstrophy and her work as the President and Executive VP of the Association for the Bladder Exstophy Community. Dr. Amanda North then explains more in detail the medical side of this condition. Stay tuned at the end of this episode for an “Ask the Experts” segment, where Pamela will get to ask Dr. North some questions of her own.
Short on time? Use the below timestamps to jump to any section:
1:10 - Pamela Artigas Introduction
1:49 - Pamela shares her story adopting a child with bladder exstrophy
6:58 - Challenges along the way
11:33 - Involvement in Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community and their work
17:09 - Pamela's advice for others
19:15 - Pamela's final thoughts
20:19 - Dr. North Introduction
22:17 - What is bladder exstrophy?
27:51 - Why is bladder exstrophy not well known within pediatric urology?
32:33 - Dr. North's advice for others
34:58 - Dr. North's final thoughts
36:27 - "Ask the Experts" segment
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January 6, 2022
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