Advanced Prostate Cancer
Order available (US ONLY). In this patient guide, patients are provided with information about advanced prostate cancer to help during their prostate cancer journey. Content includes how to diagnose, screen, treat and manage advanced prostate cancer, including a patient perspective.… more
Prostate Health Playbook
Order this football-themed prostate health resource covering prostatitis, BPH, incontinence as well as information on prostate cancer to include screening and treatment options.… more
Living Healthy Cookbook with Information about Urologic Cancers
Part of managing cancer includes a healthy diet and lifestyle. This educational cookbook has recipes from celebrity chefs and is designed to help those affected by urologic cancers.… more
Living Healthy: Fight Kidney Stones with Food Cookbook
An educational recipe book designed to help prevent kidney stones with nutrition and diet.… more
Cáncer de próstata avanzado Guía para pacientes
Pedido disponible (solo Estados Unidos). Esta guía para pacientes está destinada a todas las personas con una glándula prostática. Es muy valioso saber que todas las personas que nacen con género masculino genético tienen una próstata. Cualquier “género” puede tener una próstata, y todas las personas con próstata deben saber acerca del cáncer de próstata. El cáncer de próstata es el segundo cáncer más común en hombres en Estados Unidos. (Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient Guide)… more
Salud de la próstata Libro de Jugadas
La salud de la próstata (al igual que el éxito en el fútbol americano) depende de los integrantes claves de su equipo.… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Bladder Cancer Special Issue
Order this special issue focusing on bladder cancer to be shipped free in the United States and includes information for patients and caregivers on the basics such as the stages of this cancer, symptoms, treatments, risk factors and how to learn more.… more
UrologyHealth extra – Navigating Prostate Cancer
Order this special issue focusing on prostate cancer that includes information for patients and caregivers on risk factors, healthy living tips and more.… more
Patient Referral Cards
Distribute these cards to your patients to refer them to patient information on!… more
Podcast Referral Cards
Distribute these cards to your patients to refer them to patient information on!… more
Advanced Prostate Cancer – What You Should Know Fact Sheet
Order a review of advanced prostate cancer to include its stages and risk factors.… more
Prostate Cancer Screening What You Should Know
Order this patient-friendly prostate cancer screening fact sheet to be shipped free in the United States. This fact sheet is used to aid in decision making about prostate cancer screening.… more
Clinical Trials - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
Order this fact sheet to learn about clinical trials, include details about phases, benefits, privacy rights, fees and resources to learn more.… more
Women’s Health and Menopause – What You Should Know Fact Sheet
Order this fact sheet that includes information on perimenopause, menopause, symptoms and treatment options for women.… more
Men’s Checklist What Latino Men Should Know Fact Sheet
Did you know Latino men are at higher risk for many health issues? This free fact sheet includes numbers and screenings to help Latino men keep their health in check.… more
Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC) - What You Should Know
Order this fact sheet to be shipped free in the United States to learn about Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC), types, symptoms, treatment and more.… more
Constipation and Urine Control: What You Should Know
Order this fact sheet that outlines what to know about constipation and urine control. Constipation happens when you go too long without having a bowel movement & this can cause issues with urine control. … more
Bladder Diary Assessment Tool
Use this bladder diary assessment tool and share the results with your healthcare provider to get a better understanding of your urinary incontinence symptoms. … more
Bladder Control Assessment Tool
This Bladder Control assessment tool may help to measure symptoms and quality of life related to passing urine.… more
Neurogenic Bladder - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
A fact sheet that helps patients to understand when nerve damage causes bladder problems and how to manage the condition.… more
Cáncer de próstata avanzado: Lo que debe saber
Cuando el cáncer de próstata se extiende más allá de la próstata o regresa después del tratamiento, se suele llamar cáncer de próstata avanzado. El cáncer de próstata suele clasificarse en cuatro estadios, donde el estadio IV corresponde al cáncer de próstata más avanzado. (Advanced Prostate Cancer: What You Should Know)… more
Lista de verificación para hombres Qué deben saber loshombres latinos
¿Sabía que los hombres latinos tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer determinados problemas de salud? Si es un hombre latino y quiere mantener una vida saludable, esta hoja de datos puede ayudarlo a crear su propia lista para controlar su salud. (Men’s Checklist What Latino Men Should Know Fact Sheet)… more
Prostate Cancer Screening Assessment Tool
Order this patient-friendly screening assessment tool to be shipped free in the United States; designed to self-assess symptoms to help guide conversations with your health care team about prostate cancer screening. … more
¿Sabía que los hombres latinos tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer determinados problemas de salud? Si usted es hombre de origen latino y quiere mantenerse sano, estas son algunas cifras y controles que lo ayudarán a mantener su salud bien controlada. (Health Screenings Every Latino Man Should Know Poster)… more
Health Screenings Every Latino Man Should Know Poster
Did you know Latino men are at higher risk for many health issues? This free download includes numbers and screenings to help Latino men keep their health in check.… more
Health Screenings Every Black Woman Should Know
Did you know Black women are at higher risk for many health issues? This free poster includes numbers and screenings to help Black women keep their health in check. … more
Urología de la mujer
Afiche de salud de la mujer para incluir consejos de bienestar urológico. (Women's Urology Health Poster)… more
Men's Urology Pit Stop Poster
Order this poster that uses the analogy of car care to better understand the basics about urologic health for men.… more