Posted on: 02 Dec 2022

Self-care is a term that many people may have heard through the news and social media. What are the top celebrities doing for their self-care? What are the latest self-care trends? These may be some of the topics you’ve seen online. But taking care of yourself can have help you beyond just being “trendy”.
The basics of self-care (healthy eating, better sleep, working out, etc.) can help your overall well-being, to include your urologic health. How does self-care fit into our busy lives when work, family, activities and health issues leave our cup feeling empty? Our winter issue of UrologyHealth extra® will give you some tips about simple ways to focus on taking care of you. Because YOU matter.
This winter issue covers topics around self-care and urologic health. The focus of our feature article with Dr. Ruchika Talwar is to talk about how you can practice self-care in your daily life. Some of the other topics covered are mindfulness, blood in the urine, bladder and bowel dysfunction and drinking water. As the year comes to an end and the new year is close to starting, take a few moments to reflect on your self-care habits and learn how you can better your health by taking care of yourself.
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