Early-stage prostate cancer is a cancer that has grown in the prostate, but not escaped beyond it to other parts of the body, like lymph nodes or bones. Men with early-stage prostate cancer have a very good chance of survival. There are several options for treatment.
Your treatment plan will consider:
- The stage and grade of the cancer (Gleason score and TNM stage)
- Your risk category (whether the cancer is low-, intermediate- or high-risk
- Your age and health
- Your preferences about side effects and long-term effects of treatment
- Your treatment goals
- Results from other diagnostic tests
When you get your prostate cancer diagnosis, think over your range of treatment choices. Learn the odds of survival that different treatments offer and learn about the side effects of each treatment. Keep in mind how side effects of treatment will change your life now and in the future. If you can, get a second or third opinion from different prostate cancer experts. Talking with a urologist and a radiation oncologist can help you make informed choices.
Learn about the skill and reputation of doctors available to treat you. An experienced doctor with a good reputation will likely do the best job for you, especially if the treatment you choose might have side effects like urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction (ED) or bowel problems. Find out what program your doctor offers to help with the side effects after treatment. Ask other survivors about their experiences.
If you decide on a treatment, use the time before treatment to get or stay healthy. With the guidance of your doctor, eat a well-balanced diet, strive for a healthy weight, exercise and avoid smoking and too much alcohol. This may help you combat prostate cancer.
Here are the treatments that you may want to discuss with your doctor if you are diagnosed with early-stage, localized prostate cancer.
Active Surveillance
Active Surveillance is best if you have a small and slowgrowing cancer. Your doctor will check your prostate cancer by asking you to have tests every few months. Tests that usually help are a blood test to check your PSA, a biopsy and possibly an MRI. Men on active surveillance are generally able to avoid urinary, sexual and bowel side effects. You may want to think of active surveillance as a treatment that helps you keep the quality of your life for as long as possible.
Some men never need to have any other treatment. If the PSA rises and a biopsy shows that the cancer is growing, it is time to talk about taking more action to get rid of the cancer, such as with surgery or radiation therapy. That kind of treatment is called ‘definitive therapy’.
Watchful Waiting
Watchful waiting is a way to track the cancer without treating it. It does not involve routine PSA tests, biopsies or other active surveillance tools. The risk of watchful waiting is that the cancer could grow and spread between follow-up visits. Watchful waiting is sometimes the approach taken with men with early-stage prostate cancer who are older and likely to die of other causes. It is also for men who have other health issues that would make it difficult for them to undergo surgery or radiation.
The two main treatments for early-stage prostate cancer are surgery and radiation therapy. The goal of these treatments is to get rid of the cancer for good. They have about the same success in treating the cancer. You can talk with your doctor about which treatment is best for you.
A radical prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the prostate, seminal vesicles and nearby tissue. Often the lymph nodes in the pelvis that drain from the prostate are also removed. This procedure calls for anesthesia and a short hospital stay.
There are four types of radical prostatectomy surgery:
- Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (RALP). In this surgery, five very small incisions (cuts) are made in the lower abdomen through which instruments and a small camera are guided to allow the surgeon access to remove the prostate. RALP surgery is one of the most common types of prostate cancer surgery today.
- Retropubic Open Radical Prostatectomy. Your surgeon will make a cut in your lower belly and remove the prostate through this opening.
- Perineal Open Radical Prostatectomy. The prostate is removed through a cut between the anus and scrotum. Because the complex pelvic veins are avoided, bleeding is rare.
- Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. This surgery uses a video camera and small surgical tools that fit through cuts in the belly to remove the prostate. This surgery has mostly been replaced with robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery.
After surgery, your surgeon will review your final pathology report with you. The pathology report will tell you your final Gleason Score based on all the cancer that was in your prostate.
As with all surgery, there is risk for bleeding, infection and pain in the short term. The main side effects from this surgery are erectile dysfunction (ED) and urinary incontinence (loss of urine control). Most men recover the control of their bladder within several months.
For some men, erections can recover, but sometimes not all the way. Your surgeon can help you manage these side effects or give you a referral to other specialists who can help.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill the cancer cells.
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) sends a targeted photon beam (x-ray) of radiation from outside the body to the prostate. A small amount of radiation is delivered in daily doses to the prostate for a number of weeks. Your health care team will limit radiation going to healthy organs like the bladder and rectum. Newer EBRT technology makes three-dimensional images with conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) or Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).
Prostate Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation Therapy) is radiation treatment targeting the prostate from inside the body. Radioactive material is placed in the prostate using needles or a tube. There are two types of brachytherapy:
- low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy, and
- high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy.
Anesthesia and a short stay in the hospital are needed for both.
Common side effects after radiation are urinary incontinence, bowel problems and ED. Urinary and bowel problems get better for most men. Erections gradually soften over a period of two or more years. Your doctor will discuss these side effects with you and help you manage them. Ask your doctor about the effect of different radiation approaches on your erectile function. Some treatments are less likely to cause ED.
Sometimes radiation therapy is combined with hormone therapy to shrink the prostate before starting treatment. Or hormone therapy may be combined with external beam therapy to make the radiation more effective. Hormone therapy is called Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT).
ADT fights prostate cancer by removing testosterone from the body. The loss of testosterone helps fight cancer but may include major side effects such as loss of libido, ED, hot flashes, changes in body fat and emotions. There could be other body changes as well. It is best to talk to your doctor about this.
Whole Gland or Focal Prostate Ablation
Cryotherapy or cryoablation for prostate cancer is the controlled freezing of the prostate gland. The freezing kills cancer cells. Special needles called "cryoprobes", guided by ultrasound, are placed in the prostate to direct the freezing process. Cryotherapy is done under general or spinal anesthesia. After cryotherapy, a patient is checked with routine PSA tests and biopsy. Possible side effects include ED, incontinence and other urinary or bowel problems. Your doctor will discuss with you how to manage them.
Focal therapy is a treatment under study for men with small, early-stage prostate tumors. Small tumors inside the prostate are targeted and destroyed without having to remove or radiate the whole prostate. This targeted approach leads to less intense side effects.
The types of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and focal therapy are:
- High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) uses the energy of sound waves to target and superheat the tumor to kill cells (with the help of MRI scans). It may be used for the whole gland.
- Focal cryoablation uses a needle-thin probe to circle the tumor with a special mixture that kills the tumor by freezing it.
- Irreversible electroporation uses a “NanoKnife” to pass an electrical current through the tumor. The electricity makes very tiny holes (called pores) in the tumor’s cells, leading to cell death.
Once you have finished treatment, you may have to manage side effects. You will also make a long-term plan with your doctor for future tests. These tests check to make sure you stay cancer-free.
Erectile Dysfunction
Men may have sexual health problems following their cancer diagnosis or treatments. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man finds it hard to get or keep an erection strong enough for sex. ED happens when there is not enough blood flow to the penis, or when nerves to the penis are harmed.
Cancer in the prostate, colon, rectum and bladder are the most common cancers that can affect a man’s sexual health. Treatments for cancer, along with emotional stress, can lead to ED.
The chance of ED after prostate cancer treatment depends on many things, such as:
- Age
- Overall health
- Medications you take
- Sexual function before treatment
- Cancer stage
- Damage to your nerves or blood vessels from surgery or radiation
There are treatments that may help ED. They include pills, vacuum pumps, urethral suppositories, penile injections and implants. Treatment can be individualized. Some treatments may work better for you than others. They have their own set of side effects. A doctor can talk with you about the pros and cons of each method. They can help you decide which single treatment or combination of treatments is right for you.
There may be a change in orgasm for men treated with surgery as they no longer ejaculate or ejaculate a small volume of urine because the prostate, which makes semen, has been removed. However, it is still possible to have an orgasm.
After prostate cancer surgery or radiation, you may experience a loss of urine control. Incontinence is the inability to control the release of urine and can sometimes happen with prostate cancer treatment. There are different types of incontinence:
- Stress Incontinence (SUI), when urine leaks with coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising or with any additional pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. This is the most common type.
- Urge Incontinence, or the sudden urge to pass urine, even when the bladder is not full because the bladder is overly sensitive. This might be called overactive bladder (OAB).
- Mixed Incontinence, a combination of stress and urge incontinence with symptoms from both types.
Short–term incontinence after surgery is common. If you have SUI, you may only need to wear a pad for a few weeks to months. Incontinence often does not last long and urinary control will return. For a few men, it can last as long as six to twelve months. Because incontinence may affect your physical and emotional recovery, it is of great value to understand how to manage this problem. There are treatment choices to help incontinence.
- Kegel exercises may strengthen your bladder control muscles.
- Lifestyle changes may improve your urinary functions. Try eating healthier foods, limiting smoking, losing weight and making timed visits to the bathroom.
- Medication may help improve bladder control by affecting the nerves and muscles around the bladder.
- Neuromuscular electrical stimulation uses a device to help strengthen bladder muscles.
- Surgery to control urination may include injecting collagen to tighten the bladder sphincter, implanting a urethral sling to tighten the bladder neck, or an artificial sphincter device.
- Products, such as pads, may help you stay dry but do not treat incontinence.
- Avoid bladder irritants that include caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners.
Long–term incontinence lasting more than a year is rare. It happens in less than 5–10 percent of all surgical cases. If it does happen, talk to your doctor about your choices for care.