AUA Summit - The Urology Care Foundation Encourages Women to “Get up and Go” during Women’s Health Month
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The Urology Care Foundation Encourages Women to “Get up and Go” during Women’s Health Month

Participate in the challenge to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle

Baltimore, MD, May 3, 2021 — May marks the start of Women’s Health Month, a time dedicated to the health and wellness of women throughout the world. The Urology Care Foundation, the world's leading nonprofit urological health foundation, utilizes the month of May to educate and raise awareness of urology-related conditions and diseases that mostly affect women like: overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, incontinence, interstitial cystitis and bladder cancer. The cornerstone to Women’s Health Month is National Women’s Health Week (May 9 – 15), which begins on Mother’s Day and focuses on heightening the awareness of early detection and treatment of disease as well as techniques to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Urology Care Foundation is encouraging women to participate in the “Get up and Go!” Challenge during the month of May. The challenge inspires those who join to focus on self-care and to listen to their bodies.

Week 1: Get up and Go to the Bathroom! Holding your urine for too long can weaken the bladder muscles over time. This can lead to problems like incontinence and not being able to fully empty your bladder. Try to urinate every 3-4 hours during the day.

Week 2: Get up and Go Hydrate! Becoming dehydrated can lead to concentrated urine which can irritate your bladder. Adults should drink 6-8 oz of water a day for a healthy bladder.

Week 3: Get Up and Go for a Walk! Physical activity can help prevent bladder problems and helps maintain a healthy weight. Aim for 30 minutes of walking a day.

Week 4: Get Up and Go Relax! Some research suggests that mindful meditation can reduce the frequency and urgency of overactive bladder episodes. Meditation can help calm the body and mind.

“Over the past year, many women have been keenly focused on keeping their families healthy. Women’s Health Month is a call for women to take control of their own health,” said Harris M. Nagler, MD, president of the Urology Care Foundation. “The Urology Care Foundation is a trusted resource with a robust variety of materials that can help women become empowered by providing women free videos, podcasts, downloadable brochures and other information spanning all urologic diseases and conditions. Our goal is to help women understand what steps they can take to improve not only their urologic health, but their overall health. Our goal is to have women become their own advocates for their own health.”

The Foundation has launched its Women’s Health Info Center promoting resources aligned with each weekly theme at In addition, the Foundation will utilize Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, podcasts and more to disseminate information to promote a public dialogue and awareness around women’s health issues.

About the Urology Care Foundation: The Urology Care Foundation is the world's leading nonprofit urological health foundation, and the official foundation of the American Urological Association. Partnering with physicians, researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, families and the public, the Foundation supports and improves urologic clinical care by funding research, developing patient education and pursuing philanthropic support. To learn more about the Urology Care Foundation and its programs visit:

About the American Urological Association: Founded in 1902 and headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological Association is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology and has nearly 24,000 members throughout the world. The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care through education, research and the formulation of health policy.

Media Contact

Teri Arnold, Corporate Communications and Media Relations Manager
Cell: 757-272-7002,

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