La Vida Después del Cáncer de Próstata
Recibir un tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata puede ser una experiencia muy emotiva y estresante. En este video, analizamos dos efectos secundarios comunes que experimentan los hombres después del tratamiento del cáncer de próstata. (Life after Prostate Cancer)… more
Bladder Cancer: Get the Facts
Did you know bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer in the world? This patient education video from the Urology Care Foundation will tell you all of the facts you need about bladder cancer. … more
Biopsia de Prostata: Lo Que Usted Debe Saber
Una biopsia de prostata aporta informacion importante para su doctor y usted. Determina si existe la presencia de cancer de prostate y ayuda a tomar la mejor decision sobre el tratamiento mas apropiado.… more
Opciones de Tratamiento para el Cáncer de Próstata Localizado
Nunca es fácil de escuchar el que le diagnostiquen un cáncer de próstata y el impacto emocional puede ser significativo. Lo que es importante recordar es que, a diferencia de muchos otros cánceres, la mayoría de los cánceres de próstata nunca se vuelven potencialmente mortales y, si se le diagnostica cáncer de próstata localizado, existen muchas opciones de tratamiento disponibles.… more
Resección de Tumor de Vejiga con RTU
Saber que tiene un tumor de vejiga puede dar miedo. Si su médico le ha sugerido una resección transuretral de un tumor de vejiga, también conocida como RTU, este video lo ayudará a comprender el procedimiento y lo hará sentir más cómodo a medida que avanza en los siguientes pasos de su plan de tratamiento.… more
Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer
You may have heard that genetics can play a role in a person developing cancer. As a result, genetic testing has emerged as a new way to identify a person’s risk for bladder cancer.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Bladder Preservation
If you are a patient with muscle invasive bladder cancer, it is important to know your treatment choices. As part of your treatment, you may need to have some of your bladder removed. If this is the case, you should know your options for bladder preservation therapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Intravesical Therapy
If you are a patient with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, it is important to know your choices for treatment. Based on your diagnosis, your urologist may suggest intravesical therapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Bladder Removal Surgery
Being told you have muscle-invasive bladder cancer can be very scary. However, your doctor and medical team are there to help. Your treatment choices will depend on how much your cancer has grown, and can involve bladder removal with chemotherapy or without chemotherapy.… more
Bladder Cancer Treatment Series: Urinary Diversion
If you are a patient with bladder cancer, it is important to know your choices for treatment.… more
Genetic Testing for Prostate Cancer
In this patient education video from the Urology Care Foundation, we discuss the basics of genetic testing for prostate cancer.… more
Ureteral Stents: What You Need to Know
If you have a kidney stone, treatment options vary. If you and your doctor choose surgery as treatment for your stone, a ureteral stent may be used.… more
Survivors: Patients & Caregivers Talk About Prostate Cancer
Survivors as patients and caregivers talk about their journey and how education can help take away from the fears that come with cancer.… more