Urology Care Foundation - Overactive Bladder: Managing on the Go with Dr. Eugene Lee and Dr. Casey Kowalik


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Overactive Bladder: Managing on the Go with Dr. Eugene Lee and Dr. Casey Kowalik

Headshot of Dr. Eugene Lee and Dr. Casey Kowalik

We are back with our two guests, Dr. Eugene Lee and Dr. Casey Kowalik to discuss Overactive Bladder or OAB. If you missed part one, be sure to check out the previous podcast titled “Overactive Bladder: Learn the Basics with Dr. Eugene Lee and Dr. Casey Kowalik.”

This episode picks back up as Dr. Lee and Dr. Kowalik dive deeper into the conversation of OAB and how to manage this condition on the go. Whether you have a busy lifestyle or are just looking for some relief during normal day-to-day activities, Dr. Lee and Dr. Kowalik are here to help talk about what people with OAB can do to manage their symptoms.

Short on time? Use the below timestamps to jump to any section:
1:33 – Dr. Lee on his tips for managing OAB on the go
5:02 – Can holding your bladder cause OAB?
6:18 – How to feel supported with OAB
9:08 – Most commonly asked questions
10:44 – Best advice to manage symptoms on the go and at work
11:34 – Final thoughts

Patient resources provided through the generous support of Astellas.

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November 18, 2021

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