AUA Summit - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Life After Treatment with Dr. Sankar Kausik and Patient, Dan


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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Life After Treatment with Dr. Sankar Kausik and Patient, Dan

Headshot of Patient, Dan and Dr. Sankar Kausik

On this episode we had the honor of speaking with two guests on the topic of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH. Our first guest is Dan, a patient who talks about his life before and after treatment for BPH and the overall journey he went on to find relief. Our second guest is Dr. Sankar Kausik, a urologist at Chesapeake Urology who talks about how other's may relate to Dan's journey before and after treatment. The goal of this podcast is to share a patient's story about their BPH journey to help people identify with the issue and to seek advice of a urologist.

Short on time? Use the below timestamps to jump to any section:
Dan, BPH Patient:
0:59 - Introduction
1:24 - Symptoms of BPH and seeing a urologist
3:10 - Impact of symptoms on quality of life
4:30 - Exploring treatment options
5:55 - Life after treatment
10:49 - Advice for patients, partners and caregivers on the BPH journey
11:54 - Final thoughts

Dr. Sankar Kausiki:
12:56 - Introduction
13:32 - How does Dan's story make you feel as a doctor?
15:46 - What does the typical journey look like for a BPH patient?
18:30 - Is BPH a lifelong journey?
20:15 - Advice for patients, partners and caregivers on the BPH journey
21:42 - Final thoughts

For more information, please subscribe to our free digital magazine, UrologyHealth extra.

Made possible through the support of Olympus.

September 29, 2022

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