Urology Care Foundation - Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance (PCIA)


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Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance (PCIA)

The Urology Care Foundation leads an alliance of 31 patient and physician advocacy organizations and industry representatives to advance education about, research into, and access to high quality care for men with prostate cancer.

Our Mission

Through collaborative efforts, Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance aims to identify and address gaps in prostate cancer advocacy, policy, awareness, education, and research. This collective community strives to accelerate and optimize progress in the following areas:

  1. Equity – of access, outcomes and information – for the highest possible quality of care
  2. Shared decision-making for men at risk for, or diagnosed with, prostate cancer
  3. Patient and caregiver knowledge regarding diagnostic and management options
  4. Patient, caregiver, and provider intercommunication
  5. Understanding of challenges affecting risk assessment, diagnosis, management, care, and access to such care – including but not limited to insurance coverage, prior authorization, step therapy, utilization management, non-medical switching, and genetic testing
  6. Research intended to in effort to improve health outcomes for patients with prostate cancer across the spectrum of this disorder

In 2021, the Alliance is hosting a Congressional briefing about Congressionally-Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) funding for prostate cancer research.


The PCIA workgroups are groups within the alliance that have specific focus on each of our main goals. They include:

  • Governance: Aims to support and ensure the structure, membership decisions, communications, factors and collaboration.
  • Health Equity: Aims to educate patients, providers (including primary care physicians), and policymakers on the importance of equitable access to prostate cancer treatments and education. Works to advocate for policy change that affects equitable access to testing for risk of prostate cancer and all appropriate forms of care management, as well as legislation that increases minority participation in prostate cancer clinical trials.
  • Patient/Provider Communication: Promotes shared decision making, clinical trial communication, and consideration of the complete care team to ensure whole body and mind health. Aims to decrease information gaps between patients and their physicians related to their treatment.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Aims to expand the scope of prostate cancer policy and advocacy, assess current policies that affect a prostate cancer patient's overall access to quality of care, and promote research in prostate cancer at the federal and state level.


PCIA Webinar – Best Practices for Serving Transgender Women with Prostate Cancer
Tuesday, June 27, 2:30–4:00 p.m. EST

Reports and Statements

Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance partners include:

Active Surveillance Patients International
Cancer ABCs
American Cancer Society - Cancer Action Network
Cancer and Careers
Cancer Support Community
FORCE - Facing Hereditary Cancer Empowered
Patient Empowerment Network
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Prostate Cancer International
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
Prostate Conditions Education Council
Prostate Health Education Network
R. Frank Jones Urological Society
Sexual Medicine Society of North America
Society of Basic Urology Research
Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates
Society of Urologic Oncology
Society of Women in Urology
Stand Up to Cancer
Triage Cancer
University of Michigan Health System
Urology Care Foundation
UsToo International
ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer
AstraZeneca US

Contact Us

Ray Wezik, Vice President and Deputy Executive Director of the Urology Care Foundation rwezik@auanet.org

Tammy Turner, Patient Advocacy Manager, tturner@auanet.org

Jonathan Okojie, Advocacy Coordinator Jokojie@auanet.org

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