AUA Summit - Be an Advocate


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Be an Advocate

The Urology Care Foundation is the official foundation of the American Urological Association (AUA). The AUA is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology, and has a long history of challenging legislation and regulation that negatively impact a urologist's ability to provide quality patient care. Our advocacy efforts are varied to ensure the interests of our members are made known to a wide array of decision-makers. Whether we are contacting lawmakers on Capitol Hill or federal officials in government agencies, we are supporting and defending the practice of urology.

In addition to our independent advocacy activities, we often join with other like-minded organizations and specialty societies, collaborating on issues of mutual interest and concern. These efforts are especially important in both legislative and regulatory matters.

Sign up to be a Urology Care Foundation Advocate today and receive timely updates on actions you can take to support urology health and timely patient action alerts and news. 

Explore Further

Planned Giving

Learn how planned gifts have a powerful impact on promoting urology research and education.

We're On a Global Mission!

Learn more about our global philanthropic initiatives.