Urology Care Foundation - What is Bladder Augmentation?


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What is Bladder Augmentation?

The bladder's job is to store urine and release it when it's full. It is one of the many organs located in the lower part of your abdomen. Sometimes the bladder isn't large enough to hold the usual amount of urine made by the kidneys, so a bladder enlargement or augmentation may help. Your health care team may refer to bladder augmentation using terms such as cystoplasty or ileocecocystoplasty.

What Happens under Normal Conditions?

The urinary tract is like a plumbing system with special 'pipes' for water and wastes to flow through. The urinary tract is made of two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and the urethra.

The kidneys act as a filter system for the blood. They remove toxins and keep the useful sugar, salts and minerals. Urine is the waste product made by the kidneys. It flows from the kidneys down two, 10 to 12-inch-long tubes called ureters into the bladder.

The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that stores urine. It's held in place by pelvic muscles in the lower part of your belly. When it isn't full, the bladder is relaxed. Nerve signals in your brain let you know that your bladder is getting full. When full, you feel the need to pass urine. The brain tells the bladder muscles to squeeze (or “contract”). This forces the urine out of your body through your urethra.

Your urethra has muscles called sphincters. They help keep the urethra closed so urine doesn't leak out before you're ready to go to the bathroom. These sphincters open up when the bladder contracts.

What is Bladder Augmentation?

In some people, the bladder isn't large enough to hold the urine made by the kidneys. Urine may leak from the bladder.

In others, the bladder muscle may lose its ability to stretch ("expand"). If this happens, pressure in the bladder can build up. This can keep urine from draining properly. Sometimes the pressure can push the urine back up through the ureters into the kidneys ("reflux").

Either of these conditions can cause wetting ("incontinence"), urinary tract infections or kidney damage.

Bladder augmentation is a surgery to make the bladder larger. It can also lower the pressure in the bladder and make it more elastic.


Before bladder augmentation surgery, tests are done to measure bladder and kidney function and structure. These tests may include blood tests, x-rays and bladder pressure studies (urodynamics). The same tests may be done after surgery to make sure the bladder is healing or that the bladder shows a good response to treatment.

During surgery, a section of the bowel is used to make the bladder larger. The surgeon makes a cut in the belly and opens the top of the bladder. A section of the bowel is cut out and sewn onto the top of the bladder as a patch.

After Treatment

After bladder augmentation, the bladder may not be able to naturally release the stored urine. Most patients must learn to pass a catheter through the urethra or through a specially created opening into the bladder. This catheter allows the bladder to empty completely. This is called "clean intermittent catheterization" (CIC). After surgery, it is of great value to do CIC regularly so the bladder doesn't stretch too much or tear.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Prepare for Surgery?

A few days before surgery, you may need to start a low fiber diet and start taking antibiotics or specific fluids like a bowel prep to prepare the bowel. Your health care team may tell you to only drink clear liquids the day before surgery.

What is a Bowel Prep ("Clean Out")?

"Bowel prep" refers to cleaning the bowel by drinking a special liquid. During this clean-out process, you'll have several loose stools. The bowel prep is finished when the stools are clear and watery. This process can help prevent infection during surgery.

When Can I Eat and Drink after Surgery?

For a few days after surgery you'll get fluids, "food" and drugs through an IV tube in your arm. Your health care team will look at many signs, including your belly exam and your laboratory data, each day to determine when you are ready to safely start eating again. You'll start with clear fluids, and will soon be able to eat regular food again.

When Will I Be Able to Return to School or Work?

Most patients are ready to return to their regular activities within a few weeks after leaving the hospital. But, each person is unique, and recovery may take as long as six to eight weeks.

Updated November 2024. 

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