Urology Care Foundation - What is a Retrograde Urethrogram?


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What is a Retrograde Urethrogram?

This is a diagnostic test for male patients with trauma, injury or scar tissue involving the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder and out the body. If there is a urethral stricture (a blockage that narrows or closes the urethra), urine cannot flow out.


This test is done in a hospital radiology unit, operating room, or a provider’s office. It is done by a doctor, physician assistant (PA), nurse practitioner (NP) or an X-ray technician. No special set-up is needed.

You may be standing for the study or you may lie on your back or side. An X-ray of the urethra and bladder is taken. X-ray contrast agent (dye) is gently pushed into the urethra through a tube or catheter. This may not be comfortable, but it doesn’t take long. More x-rays are taken with the dye to see your urethra more clearly. You may also have an X-ray study of the bladder (voiding cystourethrogram or VCUG) done at the same time.

After Test

Up to 48 hours later, you may feel discomfort, pain or burning when passing urine. Your urine may be a little pink. Still, you can return to normal activities right after this test.

If the pain doesn’t go away, if you get a fever or if your urine turns bright red, tell your health care team.

Other Side Effects

While a urethrogram is generally safe, some people react to the dye. The dye mostly stays outside the body (inside the urethra), so reactions are not common.

Minor reactions could be hot flashes, upset stomach or vomiting. These are often treated with antihistamines. Rarely, problems like a UTI (urinary tract infection) may occur.

Updated December 2024. 

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