By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 18 Aug 2017

More people than ever are keeping healthy through walking, in part due to the popularity of activity trackers such as Fitbits. It's well known walking benefits the heart by lowering your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, and keeping your weight in check. Now new research finds walking may be good for the prostate, too.
One study of 51,000 men with early prostate cancer found three hours of "casual" walking each week, or walking at a faster pace for 90 minutes, reduced the men's fatigue and depression, and helped prevent weight gain.
Another study found men with prostate cancer who walked at a faster pace before they were diagnosed had more regularly shaped blood vessels in their prostate than those who walked slowly. More regularly shaped blood vessels are associated with a more favorable prostate cancer outcome.
When beginning a walking program, start slow - 10 minutes at a time - and build up slowly from there to a more brisk walk (3-4 miles an hour). A wearable activity tracker or phone app can help you keep track of how far and how fast you walk. Walking can be more fun if you have a friend join you.
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