Urology Care Foundation - Staying Fit During Cancer Treatment


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Staying Fit During Cancer Treatment

Staying Fit During Cancer Treatment

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 05 Dec 2018

Research shows staying active during cancer treatment improves your physical function and your quality of life. Routine exercise has shown to help prevent muscle weakness and lower your risk of heart disease. It is also shown to help keep your bones strong, reduce the symptoms of fatigue, control your weight, and more. Here are a few tips to help you stay fit during cancer treatment.

  1. Start slowly.
    a. Talk to your doctor before you start any type of workout to make sure you know what you can and can't do. Even a few minutes of activity a day is great. You can slowly increase each day how often and long you exercise.
  2. Include strength training exercises at least 2 days a week. 
    a. Strength training is a main part of a good workout program. It will help you keep lean muscle mass and stop your muscles from getting stiff or weaker due to inactivity.
  3. Blend in a few exercises that use large muscle groups and add to your flexibility. 
    a. It's important to keep your large muscle groups strong. These include your thighs, belly, chest and back. Stretching and cardio fitness efforts are other important parts of a good workout program. They help to keep the range of motion in your joints.
  4.  Keep exercise easy and fun!
    a. Exercising is a great way to reduce fatigue and ease stress, which are two vital parts of staying healthy. 

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