AUA Summit - UrologyHealth extra® Fall Issue 2023 – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)


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UrologyHealth extra® Fall Issue 2023 – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

UrologyHealth extra® Fall Issue 2023 – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Posted on: 06 Oct 2023

Cover of fall 2023 UHe on laptop.

As we get older, things in our bodies can change and cause unwanted symptoms. As people with prostates age, one of those unwanted symptoms can be related to an enlarged prostate. When the prostate gets bigger, it can cause urinary symptoms and impact your quality of life. But did you know it’s super common and there are treatments that can help you live life to the fullest? Learn more about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), also called an enlarged prostate, with our fall issue of UrologyHealth extra®.

This fall issue covers topics around BPH. The focus of our feature article with Dr. Amy Krambeck is to provide an overview of BPH and some treatment options to think about. Some of the other topics we explore are foods and drinks for prostate health, prostate health supplements and how common this condition is as people with prostates age.

Check out our fall 2023 UrologyHealth extra® issue now!

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