AUA Summit - Easy Summer Kabobs


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By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 05 May 2015

You may have a sensitive bladder, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy grilling. Yes, you should stay away from spicy barbeque sauces and acidic marinades that can bother the bladder. But with a little planning, you can make tasty meals, like moist, flavorful kabobs that won't cause bladder problems. Serve them with a green salad and a fresh, fruity dessert  for a rich and tasty combo!

For beef, chicken or veggie kabobs, soak wooden kabob sticks in water for an hour. Alternate slices of bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, squash and cubed beef or chicken. Brush with melted butter or olive oil, and season as desired. Grill until meat is cooked all the way through.

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