AUA Summit - Get the Facts on Testicular Cancer


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Get the Facts on Testicular Cancer

Get the Facts on Testicular Cancer

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 22 Apr 2020

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

While testicular cancer can affect a boy or man at any age (from newborn to elderly), it's most often found in men between the ages 15 to 44 years old.

It's always a shock to learn cancer has grown in the testis, especially at a young age. However, with early diagnosis, this cancer can be treated and even cured. It's vital not to wait. The most common care includes surgery, sometimes followed by radiation and/or chemotherapy.

These treatments can cure almost 100 percent of early tumors and 85 percent of more advanced tumors. How well a patient reacts to treatment depends on the cancer cell-type, whether it has spread and the patient's overall health.

If testicular cancer spreads beyond the testis, it is harder to treat. The Urology Care Foundation's goal is to help men learn about the signs, symptoms and treatments for testicular cancer.

We have a host of resources on this disease to provide what you need to know about testicular cancer.  We explain how it's found, how to do a testicular self-exam and what you should know about treatment.  These facts can arm you with the tools you'll need to tackle this disease.

Please make sure to explore the following resources to learn more:

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