AUA Summit - How to Prep for a Urology Visit


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How to Prep for a Urology Visit

How to Prep for a Urology Visit

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 22 Jul 2020

Dr. Brian Stork joins the Urology Care Podcast with some advice for our listeners about how to best prepare for a urology visit in our newest episode. Dr. Stork is a urologist in Muskegon, Michigan. He is also the Chair of the Urology Care Foundation's Patient Education Council.

Dr. Stork is a longtime contributor to reliable patient education in urology. He has appeared on the following episodes of the Urology Care Podcast:

In this newest episode of the podcast, How to Prep for a Urology Visit, Dr. Stork outlines many things that patients can do before they visit a urologist. This episode is great for those that are preparing for their first ever urology visit.

This podcast also provides strong tips and reminders to patients who have many urology visits under their belt. It gives advice about some of the best ways to prep for your next visit.

In this time of COVID-19, Dr. Stork also touches on some key safety issues for patients to consider in the midst of a pandemic. To listen to today's episode, please access the emdeddd link below:

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