AUA Summit - Bladder Cancer: Genetic and Biomarker Testing


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Bladder Cancer: Genetic and Biomarker Testing

Bladder Cancer: Genetic and Biomarker Testing

Posted on: 09 Jul 2021

Female doctor sitting with couple

The bladder is the organ where the body stores urine before it leaves the body. When cells of the bladder grow in an abnormal way, they can turn into bladder cancer. A person with bladder cancer will have one or more tumors in his/her bladder. If your doctor thinks you may have or be at risk for bladder cancer, they may suggest you see a urologist for testing.

In talking with your urologist, if they then suspect any signs of bladder cancer, a biopsy may be suggested. For a biopsy, your doctor will remove a piece of bladder tissue so a pathologist can look for cancer cells with a microscope. This biopsy tissue may also go through more testing.

Other types of testing to help find and treat bladder cancer may include genetic and biomarker testing. Genetic testing looks for certain gene alterations that are inherited from our parents. Biomarker testing looks for molecular changes in urine or blood-based tests that show signs of cancer. Based on the results of these tests, your doctor may be able to better discuss treatment options moving forward.

Learn more about genetic and biomarker testing for bladder cancer with the below resources.

Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer – What You Should Know Fact Sheet

Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer – Talking to Your Doctor Fact Sheet

Genetic and Biomarker Testing for Bladder Cancer with Dr. Neal Shore Podcast

Genetic Testing for Bladder Cancer Video

Patient resources provided by the generous support of Janssen Oncology.

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